Friday, September 9, 2016

Are you a "field trip guy"?

Are you a "field trip guy"? I am. As a teacher, I've organized about a dozen field trips in the past couple years. We've been to the US Botanical Garden, to the National Geographic Museum (three times), international movies (Timbuktu, Oscar Shorts, Brooklyn), and also did a driving tour of a gentrifying neighborhood.

The point is, if you're a field trip person, this likely means you are a tactile and/or kinesthetic learner. You learn better by being in the actual place, being hands-on, walking around, touching things, moving around a physical space.

Anthony Bourdain is a great example of a guy who makes a living being a "field trip guy," combining high tactile intelligence with his culinary knowledge (olfactory and gustatory intelligences), cultural perspectives (intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences), and good communication (linguistic intelligence). A lot of international reporters are also "field trip guys," as well as some explorers who do field work, including some professors like Indiana Jones in the movies or Jared Diamond or Laurence Smith in real life.

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