Sunday, July 20, 2014

Feel like you "should" have chosen a great job? Not that simple

Feel like you "should" have chosen a great job from the time you were younger but missed out on the opportunity? Not that simple. You didn't necessarily "mess up."

"Economist Neil Howe says that only 5% of people pick the right job on the first try. He calls those people 'fast starters' and in general, they are less creative, less adventurous, and less innovative, which makes a conventional, common path work well for them. So it's questionable whether you should even aspire to be one of those people who picks right the first try."
Many people who really like their "job" or careers or lifestyles or whatever you want to call it stumbled into it.

Gilbert says you need to try stuff to see what will make you happy. Do that. It's scary, because it's hard to find out that what you thought would make you happy will not make you happy. But then, it's true that being a realist is not particularly useful to human evolution either.

These days we often overestimate how great other jobs are due to the hype surrounding them. We live in an age in which it is easy to create glossy marketing, put shiny pictures and a great website together about careers which often belie the true nature of the field. Colleges and training schools do this sort of glamour marketing constantly so that the tuition keeps rolling in.

Also, many jobs require schooling/training that was not offered to you or did not even exist while you were in college or 20-something trying to figure out what you wanted to be when you grew up.

For example, when I was in college in the 1990s, Earth Science or Enviornmental Science was unheard of at my school. "Green," "Eco-," "renewable," and "sustainable" were not buzzwords yet.


"Economist Neil Howe says that only 5% of people pick the right job on the first try. He calls those people "fast starters" and in general, they are less creative, less adventurous, and less innovative, which makes a conventional, common path work well for them. So it's questionable whether you should even aspire to be one of those people who picks right the first try."

Lifehacker - How to pick a career you actually like

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