Sunday, June 9, 2013

Taxi drivers have one of highest brain activity levels of any job



Driving a taxi can be more challenging than being a pilot. Think about what goes on in a taxi driver's mind -- all the time:

-Have to navigate continously in 3D -- form a picture of the city from memory, identify their current location in it including their direction, identify the location of their destination, and map route to the destination from where they are now all on the fly
-Have to physically maneuver the car through changing enviornments (roads blocked, traffic jams) while also working on the bigger goal of figuring out how to get where they are going
-Have to continuously read and pick up new info of all types graphic (visual), spoken (verbal), written (verbal) from the environment
-Have to understand the directions people give and "fill in gaps" and give suggestions if the person is not quite sure or only has vague info
-Have to continuously recall building and street names (associative memory), block and building numbers (numeric memory)

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